Coming out of winter can make you feel that you should start feeling more positive, more energetic and generally happier.
Sometimes we need a little help to reset after the long dark winter. Think of it like you would a spring clean of a house but for your mind instead.
Here are my five tips on how to reset for Spring.
1. Declutter your mind
Hypnotherapy can really help to sort out your clutter in your mind and determine what’s really important to you. Often we carry things from our past which are no longer useful to us, but our primitive minds hold on to these memories and habits as important. Letting them go and focusing on how you want your present and future to be can really move you forwards if you feel a bit stuck.
2. Make yourself the no 1 priority
I’d like you to close your eyes and visualise the person you want to be - what can you see? Often we find ourselves adapting to other people’s needs and demands which can be exhausting. Finding the real you again can improve self-confidence, esteem and life choices. So start with writing a list of 3 things that will help you look after yourself better and make a plan for how to start these.
3. Breathe and relax
Take a few minutes each day to relax, focus on your breathing and unwind. There are plenty of free mindfulness exercises to support you doing this, but hypnotherapy sessions can also provide relaxation downloads and self-hypnosis tools to get the calm back in your life.
4. Get outside
Spending at least 2 hours each week in nature is proven to be good for your health and wellbeing (source: University of Exeter 2019 study). So time to get planning those trips out to the park, woods or beach.
5. Make sleep a priority
Sleep is the absolute wonder drug - good sleep makes us feel refreshed, able to focus, make decisions, avoid bad habits etc. So we all need to give it the priority it deserves. Regular bedtimes, avoiding screens in the bedroom, reducing alcohol and caffeine and exercise during the day will all support better sleep. Here’s some more tips on sleep from my blog on Sleep during Covid.